Hi everyone!
If you've been following us, you may know that we've been working like fiends on an 8-bit God of War demake, currently titled Bit of War. Well, it's getting fairly close to completion and we're starting our hunt for the perfect soundtrack. To that end, we thought we'd make it interesting and host a little contest to find the perfect tunes!
- To enter, create an 8-bit version of the following menu music from God of War 3:
- Your 8-bit version could be the full piece, or a smaller loop of the important bits - it's up to you. However, it should be awesome.
- Send the finished .mp3 file to contests@holmadegames.com anytime between now and 11:59pm EST June 30th, 2011. So about two weeks, give or take.
Note: This contest will be published on our main website in 48 hours from the time this was posted, but for the next couple of days we're only announcing it here on Newgrounds to give you talented folks first crack at it! :D Because Newgrounds is amazing.
Winning!* (the important bit): If you are chosen as the winner, the winning .mp3 will be featured in the menu of the final game. Full credit will be given to the winner as the game circulates like a virus across the internet. Women will likely throw themselves at you**. More importantly, you will gain the opportunity to create more music to be featured in the game!
For more information on Bit of War, please visit our blog here.
*Despite the fact that you are winning, tiger blood will not be provided.
**Holmade Games makes no guarantee that women will throw themselves at you.
I might give this a try. I love god of war.