It's been a long while since we've posted!
That's because we've been hard at work completing what has been for us a 5 year journey. The whole time we were working on Hurdle Turtle and Pixel Whirled and their various incarnations, Bit of War (our 8-bit demake of the God of War universe) has been an ongoing side project - a labor of love - that we are so excited to now finally share with the world!
As a free fan game we couldn't always afford to give it as much attention as we wanted to and so development has been (very) part time. It has taken many forms over the years and the project has been started, stopped and restarted numerous times as other projects took the forefront, and as we found the right look and feel for the game.. as this very blog can attest to!
It's taken us far too long to get here. But this year we made a New Year's resolution to put everything else aside and give it the love it deserved and complete it.. and here it is! It was ultimately our fans' support of our other games that allowed us to take this liberty, and for that we are eternally grateful.
This page contains a link to the download page (temporarily hosted on filedropper while the game awaits authorization on and will soon contain a lot more than that - an online instruction manual in the style of old school NES manuals, as well as an explanation of the story of the game and its inspirations.
Please enjoy the game - it's free for your Windows PC! - and feel free to leave us feedback and questions right here!
Thank you all!
Will there be any support for Mac OSx?
We're definitely looking in to it, but no solid promises yet. :)