Adam Holmes @Holmfry

Age 45, Male

Game Maker

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Joined on 6/28/08

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3,836 / 4,010
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6.10 votes
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1y 9m

Holmfry's News

Posted by Holmfry - June 7th, 2012

Recently, we had the honor of being interviewed by the super friendly folks over at Santa Monica Studio - the creators of the God of War series - in regards to our 8-Bit demake of God of War, titled Bit of War. It was a lot of fun!

Apparently the development team at Santa Monica discovered and LOVES Bit of War - which, as a team who has created a fan-game, is the absolute highest praise you could ever hope for!

Check out the interview (which is full of some possibly interesting development tid-bits as well as a solid helping of malarky) on the official God of War site right here!


We were interviewed by Sony Santa Monica!

Posted by Holmfry - March 16th, 2012

It's been a long while since we've posted!

That's because we've been hard at work completing what has been for us a 5 year journey. The whole time we were working on Hurdle Turtle and Pixel Whirled and their various incarnations, Bit of War (our 8-bit demake of the God of War universe) has been an ongoing side project - a labor of love - that we are so excited to now finally share with the world!

As a free fan game we couldn't always afford to give it as much attention as we wanted to and so development has been (very) part time. It has taken many forms over the years and the project has been started, stopped and restarted numerous times as other projects took the forefront, and as we found the right look and feel for the game.. as this very blog can attest to!

It's taken us far too long to get here. But this year we made a New Year's resolution to put everything else aside and give it the love it deserved and complete it.. and here it is! It was ultimately our fans' support of our other games that allowed us to take this liberty, and for that we are eternally grateful.


This page contains a link to the download page (temporarily hosted on filedropper while the game awaits authorization on indiedb.com) and will soon contain a lot more than that - an online instruction manual in the style of old school NES manuals, as well as an explanation of the story of the game and its inspirations.

Please enjoy the game - it's free for your Windows PC! - and feel free to leave us feedback and questions right here!

Thank you all!


8-Bit God of War Released!!

Posted by Holmfry - November 19th, 2011

Hey everyone!

Our God of War 8-bit demake project, Bit of War, will be heading free to PCs everywhere around the world very soon! We've been working on it as a side project off and on over the past 3 years, but now the game is almost finished with just a couple of boss fights and some final polishing left. Likely, it will be complete before Christmas. However, we do want to make sure there's ample time for testing and as that would have pushed release just into next year anyway, we've settled on March 16, 2012 (a date of some significance).

Enjoy the poster below, feel free to print it out and post it up everywhere (hi-res copy available through link below), and go ahead and get good and excited for the game! :)

Check out the N4G news release about the game with screenshots right here!

God of War Demake Release Date!

Posted by Holmfry - September 23rd, 2011

Hi everyone!

Big news!! Tomorrow, the 24th of September, Pixel Whirled follows in the small green footprints of Hurdle Turtle to make the jump from the Xbox Indie Games channel to the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch!

If you're a fan of the original Xbox version of the game, you're going to love the new iOS version, which includes new features such as Game Center leaderboards and achievements and brand new powerups exclusive to this version! In addition, this version features new intuitive controls that will have you physically flipping your device to rotate Pixel World!

If you're unfamiliar with the game, check out the Pixel Whirled mini-site here to view trailers, gameplay videos, screenshots and downloadable goodies for your computer!

So limber up those hands and get a good sleep tonight - because tomorrow you're going to be taking out wave after wave of 8-bit chaos.. on the go!

Pixel Whirled iOS Releases Tomorrow!

Posted by Holmfry - June 14th, 2011

Hi everyone!

If you've been following us, you may know that we've been working like fiends on an 8-bit God of War demake, currently titled Bit of War. Well, it's getting fairly close to completion and we're starting our hunt for the perfect soundtrack. To that end, we thought we'd make it interesting and host a little contest to find the perfect tunes!

- To enter, create an 8-bit version of the following menu music from God of War 3:

- Your 8-bit version could be the full piece, or a smaller loop of the important bits - it's up to you. However, it should be awesome.

- Send the finished .mp3 file to contests@holmadegames.com anytime between now and 11:59pm EST June 30th, 2011. So about two weeks, give or take.

Note: This contest will be published on our main website in 48 hours from the time this was posted, but for the next couple of days we're only announcing it here on Newgrounds to give you talented folks first crack at it! :D Because Newgrounds is amazing.

Winning!* (the important bit): If you are chosen as the winner, the winning .mp3 will be featured in the menu of the final game. Full credit will be given to the winner as the game circulates like a virus across the internet. Women will likely throw themselves at you**. More importantly, you will gain the opportunity to create more music to be featured in the game!

For more information on Bit of War, please visit our blog here.

*Despite the fact that you are winning, tiger blood will not be provided.
**Holmade Games makes no guarantee that women will throw themselves at you.

Posted by Holmfry - March 20th, 2011

Hey Newgrounders!

The iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad version of our game Hurdle Turtle is free today on OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day! We're trying to make the top 50 in the App Store and we're getting real close.. so to any Newgrounders out there with an iOS device, please download and support a fellow Newgroundonian - it won't cost you a penny, and we promise you won't hate it!

The iOS version contains TONS of new features that the Flash version doesn't have, so it should easily be worth the free download! Did we mention it's free? ;D

Have fun, and thanks everyone!


Hurdle Turtle iOS Free for 24 Hours!

Posted by Holmfry - February 18th, 2011

Mark your calendars! Tomorrow, Feb 19th 2011, Hurdle Turtle will be free on the iPhone App Store for one day only, thanks to DailyAppDream.com and the support of our fans!

And even more exciting (or so we like to think) is that we are having a special contest to coincide with this event! If Hurdle Turtle makes it onto the top 50 app list while it's free, we'll be giving away Hurdle Turtle Prize Packs full of super sweet swag to some of our lucky fans!

The Prize Packs will include original signed handdrawn artwork based on Hurdle Turtle, as well as some other awesome surprises!

Here's how to enter (it's easy!):

* Follow @Holmade_Games and @LukeZbihlyj on Twitter or Like us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/holmadegames! If you do both, you've doubled your chances of winning!
* Be sure to download the game (for free!).. then tweet like crazy, facebook, email, and shout about it (and this contest) through a megaphone to help launch the game up into the top 50!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the iOS iteration of the game, check out this gameplay video:


Thanks for playing and enjoy the free game!! We love giving away free swag, so let's make this happen!


Posted by Holmfry - December 14th, 2010

Today, the latest update for the iPhone version of our crazy 8-bit game, Hurdle Turtle, hit the app store!

We've got a host of brand new features for you in this MASSIVE, FREE update!

- Ten brand new turtles to choose from - for a total of 11 unlockable characters!!
- Three beautiful 8-bit levels!
- Full Game Center integration that works alongside OpenFeint.
- Achievements for both OpenFeint and Game Center.
- Reworked graphics!
- Loads and loads of optimization.
- Bug fixes.

Again, this update's totally free, and all updates will stay that way! If you don't have the game yet, go grab it up at the app store here! Keep on hurdlin'!


Hurdle Turtle iPhone version 2.0!

Posted by Holmfry - November 7th, 2010

Our hit game Hurdle Turtle is now available on the App Store for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad! Lovingly ported from the original by our new friend from the UK, Luke Zbihlyj, you can now take the addictive retro fun with you anywhere!

Click here to visit the App Store page and download the game to support your favorite development studio! ;)

Hurdle Turtle comes to the iPhone/iPod Touch!

Posted by Holmfry - October 22nd, 2010

OK, there's people with mad skillz... and then there's this guy.

James Noyd took my shameful Hurdle Turtle high score of 318m and just DESTROYED it. And let's keep in mind that I made this game! After playing daily for about a week, he scored a whopping 822m at which point I let him know his score was so awesome, he had won the prize of a free redemption code for the Xbox version! I then asked him to get a video so I could see the master in action. During recording of the video, he made his old score look like beans with the new (it's gotta be unbeatable!) score of 1211m!

When I set up the biggest medal of the game to be earned at 300m, I thought it might be a bit too challenging.. and for most, it is! But not for James (or Duodenum88 as he's known on Newgrounds).

To see his mastery (he makes it look easy but try it yourself.. it ain't!), check out the Youtube video, wherein he lasted so long, he had to split the thing into two parts because of Youtube's video time limit!

Part I: It's fun to see how he gets started.. by the end of the first half, he's already beaten me by a long ways.

/* */
Part II: This is where it gets nuts, seems like he could do this with his eyes closed!

/* */
James, I tip my hat to you.. for you are the Hurdle Turtle Master.

Hurdle Turtle World Champion!